Long live 2008!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas!
In a couple of hours I will get in my rental car and start the drive up north where I will be having a Merry Christmas with family (but no flushing toilet - it's a long story...).
So I will be gone from the blog a while but just wanted to wish you a Merry, White and Grand Christmas where ever you are!
Have a good one!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Quick and easy Christmas presents: Ornament Octupuses
What says Christmas more than a tree decorated with some creatures from the sea? Let me intruduce you to Jeremy:
He is maybe not the most cheerful type but he is loyal to his friends.
Now she might not remember your birthdays but boy is she the life of the party!
And Lucy:
She, unfortunately, has gone completely insane due to too many blows to the head during fights...
This is how you make them:
What kind of size hook you need is dependent on what kind of yarn you want to use. That in turn determines the size of the finished octupus (duh). Guage is - in other words - not so important.
Rnd 1: chain 2, sc 6 in the second st from the hook (6 sts)
Rnd 2: sc 2 in every st (12 sts)
Rnd 3: *sc 1 st, sc 2 in next st* around (18 sts)
Rnd 4-9: sc around (18 sts)
Rnd 10: *sc 1 st, sc2tog* around (12 sts) (Now will be a good time to stuff the octupus)
Rnd 11: *sc2tog* around
Pull yarn through to close and leave a tail long enough to fasten the tentacles with.
Make 4
ch 8 cut yarn and fasten.
Place the tentacles in a X-shape to the bottom of the octupus (thus forming 8 tentacles) and sew unto the body. I have used beads for the eyes and emroidery floss for the mouth.
Now go decorate that tree!
Climate change
Yes, I, too, have heard about global warming and the changes to the climate it has brought about but imagine my surprise when, as I was tending to my plants, I came across this little fella!
Not only was the season wrong but, surely, Sweden is not the right habitat for such a species?
Puzzled I watched as the diminutive creature first came closer as if to check me out and then, after he had deemed me harmless, started to play in the nearest flowerpot.
Mesmerized I observed his careless play and just as I had recovered from the chock of seeing him there I realised he wasn't alone! Another, equally out of place, friend had joined him in taking up residence in the same flowerpot - seemingly just as happy as if she really belonged there.
I didn't know what to do! Could they stay where they were? They seemed quite content eventhough there were dangers.
But would they be safer if they were sent away? And as I looked into their warm green eyes and smiling faces I just knew - they were here to stay...
Not only was the season wrong but, surely, Sweden is not the right habitat for such a species?
Puzzled I watched as the diminutive creature first came closer as if to check me out and then, after he had deemed me harmless, started to play in the nearest flowerpot.
Mesmerized I observed his careless play and just as I had recovered from the chock of seeing him there I realised he wasn't alone! Another, equally out of place, friend had joined him in taking up residence in the same flowerpot - seemingly just as happy as if she really belonged there.
I didn't know what to do! Could they stay where they were? They seemed quite content eventhough there were dangers.
But would they be safer if they were sent away? And as I looked into their warm green eyes and smiling faces I just knew - they were here to stay...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Quick and easy Christmas presents: A starshaped potholder!
Potholders - you really can't have too many of them! Make some for yourself or give them away as a Christmas present. They are very quick and easy to make. This is how:
1. Since I haven't figured out how to put pdfs on my blog I will have to describe how to make the template instead of actually providing you with it. Well - no worries - it is fairly easy to make. Start with drawing a 35 cm long straight line on a piece of paper. If you are using ordinary A4sized paper you will have to use 2 bits of paper for the template to fit. From one end of the drawn line measure a 40 degree angle and draw another line from it also 35 cm long. Measure another 40 degree angle from that end of the line and draw yet another line 35 cm long. Repeat until you closed the shape and thus made a star. Easy, wasn't it!?! Now draw another star exactly the same as the first and cut them out. Then cut one of the stars in two and add 1,5 cm seam allowance to the side you cut. Then you should have something like this:

2. Still with me? Good! Now using your carefully made template cut 2 pieces of the star from a fabric of your choice (but please keep in mind that you are making potholders so stay away from fabric that might actually melt if it comes in contact with hot stuff (now that is just ol' common sense but I don't want to end up being sued by somebody)). So stick to natural fibers please! Then cut 2 pieces of the half star from the same fabric (or different one if that is what you fancy but bear in mind that these are the outer pieces of the potholder and will show). When all that cutting have been done you still can't put your scissors away because you will need some kind of lining for inside the potholder so that the heat don't travel through. Again - and you probably can't overstate this - do not line the potholder with fabric that says "Keep away from fire" or "100 % polyester" because that would be a BAD choice of fabric. Wool- on the other hand - is a GOOD choice of fabric because it doesn't burn that easy and if it does catch on fire it puts itself out. Magic! So anyway, cutting - cut another starshape out of a fabric suitable for lining. Now you should have this:

3. Right, boring part over, time for acctual sewing. Start with the 2 half shapes. Fold the side parts twice (if you use an iron this is quite easily made) and sew a straight stich. Just like this.

4. Assemble all your starbits from bottom up like thus: lining fabric, full starshape, the 2 halfshapes with the wrong side up, and, finally, another full starshape on top. Pin the layers together.

5. With a straight stich sew all sides together except for a wee bit for turning the pot holder right side out. Don't forget to reinforce your stiches in the start and end by going backwards and forwards a bit. Cut as close to the stiching that you can and/or dare in order for it to get as good shape as possible when you turn it the right way out.
1. Since I haven't figured out how to put pdfs on my blog I will have to describe how to make the template instead of actually providing you with it. Well - no worries - it is fairly easy to make. Start with drawing a 35 cm long straight line on a piece of paper. If you are using ordinary A4sized paper you will have to use 2 bits of paper for the template to fit. From one end of the drawn line measure a 40 degree angle and draw another line from it also 35 cm long. Measure another 40 degree angle from that end of the line and draw yet another line 35 cm long. Repeat until you closed the shape and thus made a star. Easy, wasn't it!?! Now draw another star exactly the same as the first and cut them out. Then cut one of the stars in two and add 1,5 cm seam allowance to the side you cut. Then you should have something like this:
2. Still with me? Good! Now using your carefully made template cut 2 pieces of the star from a fabric of your choice (but please keep in mind that you are making potholders so stay away from fabric that might actually melt if it comes in contact with hot stuff (now that is just ol' common sense but I don't want to end up being sued by somebody)). So stick to natural fibers please! Then cut 2 pieces of the half star from the same fabric (or different one if that is what you fancy but bear in mind that these are the outer pieces of the potholder and will show). When all that cutting have been done you still can't put your scissors away because you will need some kind of lining for inside the potholder so that the heat don't travel through. Again - and you probably can't overstate this - do not line the potholder with fabric that says "Keep away from fire" or "100 % polyester" because that would be a BAD choice of fabric. Wool- on the other hand - is a GOOD choice of fabric because it doesn't burn that easy and if it does catch on fire it puts itself out. Magic! So anyway, cutting - cut another starshape out of a fabric suitable for lining. Now you should have this:
3. Right, boring part over, time for acctual sewing. Start with the 2 half shapes. Fold the side parts twice (if you use an iron this is quite easily made) and sew a straight stich. Just like this.
4. Assemble all your starbits from bottom up like thus: lining fabric, full starshape, the 2 halfshapes with the wrong side up, and, finally, another full starshape on top. Pin the layers together.
5. With a straight stich sew all sides together except for a wee bit for turning the pot holder right side out. Don't forget to reinforce your stiches in the start and end by going backwards and forwards a bit. Cut as close to the stiching that you can and/or dare in order for it to get as good shape as possible when you turn it the right way out.
6. Turn pot holder right side out. You can use the back end of a pen or a brush to poke the "arms" of the star through.
7. Stich the open bit that you used for turning the pot holder right side together.
Now let's start cooking...
7. Stich the open bit that you used for turning the pot holder right side together.
Now let's start cooking...
Monday, December 10, 2007
Would you buy this?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Cha-, cha-, cha- changes
This is a bit of an experiment but lately I haven't been able to shake off the thought that maybe having a blog named Tallberg goes Int requires it being read, well, internationally. And maybe this necessitates it being written in, well, not swedish. So I should do it in english. This, however, pose as a problem in that I, naturally, do not posses the same knowledge of that language as my mother tongue. For instance, my DBF waited six months to point out to me that the plural of sheep is not sheeps. When I asked him why he hadn't said anything earlier he said it was because he thought it was "cute".
Anyway I will give it a try and see how it goes. Maybe my english will improve by it...
And since I don't exactly write everyday (completely missed this) it probably won't be too daunting. Mind you, seems like I'm not the only one as all my friends with blogs seem to have been sucked inte the black empty vortex that is Facebook Hell.
Totally unrelated - found out whilst cruising my local supermarket that 14 november was cheesecake day. For those of you who understand swedish here is more on a related subject.
Anyway I will give it a try and see how it goes. Maybe my english will improve by it...
And since I don't exactly write everyday (completely missed this) it probably won't be too daunting. Mind you, seems like I'm not the only one as all my friends with blogs seem to have been sucked inte the black empty vortex that is Facebook Hell.
Totally unrelated - found out whilst cruising my local supermarket that 14 november was cheesecake day. For those of you who understand swedish here is more on a related subject.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Små, små steg framåt
Humle och Dumle, Tödde och Mödde, eller, som det står i deras nya pass - Lillasyster och Storasyster (kära barn går under många namn - Scaredy och Feisty är deras engelska namn, men jag tror att de tror att de heter "slutameddetdär") har nu blivit microchippade och fått sin första rabiesstruta och vi kan nu alla tre pusta ut lite tills börja av december då det är dags för blodprov. Fantastiska Johan och Kristiina lånade mig sin bil och allt gick över förväntan bra.
Jag har också lyckats komma förbi kreditkortskollen på Etsy och har äntligen registrerat le shoppe. Ingenting ligger uppe än för försäljning men jag jobbar på med lite ,än så länge, halvhemliga saker. Som det här:
Och så har vi äntligen fått lite snö. Iiiiiiii! Det värmer ett norrlandshjärta.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Så är då beslutet taget: jag flyttar till Glasgow och hjärtevännen i månadsskiftet april/maj. Så nu ska katter vaccineras, lägenheten sägas upp och väskor packas. Då är det skönt att veta att det finns lite tid att spela på.
Iiiiiiiiiii! Det känns jättehärligt.
Jag och Hugh har redan spanat in en kurs i screenprinting som vi ska ta - NÄR JAG FLYTTAR DIT. I slutet av april.
Jag glömde väl inte bort att säga att jag flyttar till Glasgow i månadsskiftet april/maj....
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Idag verkar vara dagen för världen att visa sin solidaritet med Burmas folk mot militärregimen. Uppmaningar om att klä sig i rött har landat i min mobil ett antal gånger och manifestationer planeras på olika ställen.
Själv skulle jag vilja uppmana folk att följa Amnesty Internationals exempel med att skicka ett vykort med blommor på till generalen Than Shwe.
Skicka vykorten till:
Senior General Than Shwe
Chairman of the SPDC'
Ministry of Defence
Division of Mandalay
Union of Myanmar (Burma)
Och detta är förslaget till text som de ger:
I respectfully urge the Myanmar authorities not to use force against peaceful protests. I also appeal for the immediate and unconditional release of Aung San Suu Kyi and all other prisoners of conscience in Myanmar.
Yours respectfully,
(ditt namn)
Skicka vykortet idag!
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