Isn't it funny that the same things that make superglue a really good thing when applied where it is supposed to be - is the very thing that makes it bad when applied where it is not supposed to be.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
What good light and a macro setting can do...
Yesterday at 5 o'clock the sun shining into my living room caught my eye and I took some pictures of ordinary household object in a macro setting. I like the way they sort of take on a whole new meaning - seeing them so much up close - and turning ornamental rather than functional. If that makes any sense...
I want to change this page layout to have three columns rather than two - having the slightly more static elements on one side and the changing ones on the other. The way it is at the moment makes the page a bit loopsided. You sort of have to scroll down far beneath the blog text element to get to the end of the archives/links/etc elements. It's just not estetically pleasing.
So how do I go about doing this - well, there are tutorials out there (this one for example) but it entails doing some of your own coding. And that feels a bit daunting. Well, actually it is more copying coding but still...
It comes down to this - is my displeasement with the layout bigger than my fear of me messing up the blog and not being able to correcting it later if I have to?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Shiny things
Have been playing with resin again. Made some test samples yesterday and it didn't turn out half bad if I may say so myself! Have to make some small adjustments - to make them even more shinier - before turning them into jewelry though.
Found some YouTube clips about resin that was really good to watch - since I'm a bit on my own here (well, not counting all the folks on Crafsters resin board I ask questions to...). Sometimes you just have to watch how things are being done rather than only reading about it.
Unfortenately, the americans seem to be using quite different brands of resin than I. For example, in many videos they were mixing and handling the resin without a mask - I tried that the first time and had a killer headache for three days... And that makes me wonder if that was only for the benefit of the camera or if it - oh, joy of joys - really exists "fume free" resin?
If anyone knows please drop me a line...
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Let's go shopping
The update is done. I think I managed to upload one item before two o'clock so I will give me the credit of making the deadline... It then took me 2,5 hours to upload and manage the rest. Puh! But since I was beginnig to doubt if I would ever be able to update anything at all after being sooooo way behind at one o'clock I think I did okey!
Will be doing absolutely nothing at all for the rest of the day now, methinks.
You, on the other hand, should put on your fancy shoes and go shopping! Look into my eyes, not beside my eyes...
Friday, April 04, 2008
Sneak peak
Am really tired, have loads to do before I can display anything at Etsy and I'm due for a birthday party in an hour. Stress in bucketloads in other words. What on earth possessed me?
Good thing I have told a few people about my Grand Opening (tomorrow at 14.00!) otherwise I would be forgetting about the whole thing right now with a Gimlet in my hand. But no quitting now. A sober (well, pretty sober) party for me and then back to work.
Thought I should entice you with a little sneak peak of the things that are going for sale before I go though. Enjoy!
Thursday, April 03, 2008 opens saturday
Am working my fingers raw to stitch together a couple of items that I, myself, is very proud of so that I can offer them to you in my very own shop at My plan is to be up and running by saturday - look out for an invite to the Opening coming soon!
The 2nd Annual Softie Awards
Softies Central has announced its 2nd Annual Softie Awards. Last years entries were absoulutely stunning and I can't wait to see what people come up with this year!
There are five categories: Picnic food, elephant tribute (did you know that the first ever softie was an elephant), cutest face, pink or plaid and embroidered to death and the contest closes on april 18.
I have an idea for the embroidered to death-category. Will see if I get a chance to finish it before the closing date.
There are five categories: Picnic food, elephant tribute (did you know that the first ever softie was an elephant), cutest face, pink or plaid and embroidered to death and the contest closes on april 18.
I have an idea for the embroidered to death-category. Will see if I get a chance to finish it before the closing date.
A yellow purse
Did some projects from Amy Karol's wonderful book Bend-the-rules sewing and got over my fear of using zippers (a fear thet turned out to be easier to overcome than my fear of the BIAS TAPE. See post bellow. And more to come...). So I decided I needed more zippers (hmm, the stashbusting you ask? Well, at the moment it is more of a one-step-forward-five-steps-back-kind-of-thing. I'm working on it okey!) and picked up some for cheap at the local thrift shop. (Because zippers - it turns out - is not so cheap to buy on the new as you would think).
And do you know what - one of those zippers matched the crochetted rectangle I had made of my lovely yarn perfectly! Coincidence - I think not... More like divine intervention telling me that I did the right thing buying those zippers after all!
So add zipper to crochetted rectangle, stitch them all together and then add resincoated picture of baby Kelvin with crochetted flower and, hey presto, you have got yourself yet another Kelvinrelated present for your cousin. Well, my cousin actually.
Planning to post a tutorial on crochetted purses sometime in the future*.
* Future= sometime after sunday.
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