Did some projects from Amy Karol's wonderful book Bend-the-rules sewing and got over my fear of using zippers (a fear thet turned out to be easier to overcome than my fear of the BIAS TAPE. See post bellow. And more to come...). So I decided I needed more zippers (hmm, the stashbusting you ask? Well, at the moment it is more of a one-step-forward-five-steps-back-kind-of-thing. I'm working on it okey!) and picked up some for cheap at the local thrift shop. (Because zippers - it turns out - is not so cheap to buy on the new as you would think).
And do you know what - one of those zippers matched the crochetted rectangle I had made of my lovely yarn perfectly! Coincidence - I think not... More like divine intervention telling me that I did the right thing buying those zippers after all!
So add zipper to crochetted rectangle, stitch them all together and then add resincoated picture of baby Kelvin with crochetted flower and, hey presto, you have got yourself yet another Kelvinrelated present for your cousin. Well, my cousin actually.
Planning to post a tutorial on crochetted purses sometime in the future*.
* Future= sometime after sunday.
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