Saturday, April 12, 2008

What good light and a macro setting can do...

Yesterday at 5 o'clock the sun shining into my living room caught my eye and I took some pictures of ordinary household object in a macro setting. I like the way they sort of take on a whole new meaning - seeing them so much up close - and turning ornamental rather than functional. If that makes any sense...

I want to change this page layout to have three columns rather than two - having the slightly more static elements on one side and the changing ones on the other. The way it is at the moment makes the page a bit loopsided. You sort of have to scroll down far beneath the blog text element to get to the end of the archives/links/etc elements. It's just not estetically pleasing.

So how do I go about doing this - well, there are tutorials out there (this one for example) but it entails doing some of your own coding. And that feels a bit daunting. Well, actually it is more copying coding but still...

It comes down to this - is my displeasement with the layout bigger than my fear of me messing up the blog and not being able to correcting it later if I have to?


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